Random Prizes!

Date: 8/25/2009
LOLSaints Mousepad

The time is nigh! Prepare yourselves for the announcement(s) of the winner(s)!

Pictured above is an image of the prize to be received by all the three top-five finishers who didn't get the first or second prize—these winners will be announced tomorrow morning (with #1/#2 to be announced later tomorrow). They have each won themselves an authentic, homegrown mousepad!

Feel like you got the shaft? Want a beautiful mousepad? Well, you can most definitely run over to the LOLSaints Zazzle store and buy one for yourself. Just be warned: you might be mesmerized by the sign of the tines!

Stay tuned... many updates to come in the next 24 hours!

CONTEST: Win an iPod Touch!

Date: 7/15/2009
Submit a saint... win an iPod Touch

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[UPDATE: The contest is over - congratulations to our winning entry, posted on 8-27-2009!]

This month's contest is rather simple, actually:

Submit a Saint, Win an iPod Touch
(or other great prizes!)

How it works

Submit a Saint using the 'Submit a Saint' form (you need to be a registered user), and you're automatically entered to win. The saint image MUST be captioned (you can use ROFLbot if you don't have Photoshop), and bonus points to anyone who writes a good description of the saint in the 'Description' area and/or tweets/shares this contest!

You can submit as many LOLSaints as you want! The more the merrier... just make 'em humorous and meaningful! Enter as many you want; it can't hurt your chances :-)


Date: 6/19/2009
Saint Francis de Sales with the Sacred Heart of Jesus

"Please give me a caption before this heart flies away."

The time has come! This months prize? A well-loved (meaning used, but in perfect condition) iPod Shuffle! And to round it out, we'll send you a holy card of the most musical saint on the planet—Cecilia! What better way to enjoy your jam session than by dedicating it to the patron of all jam sessions? And you'll have good ol' Saint Francis de Sales (pictured above) to thank for it!

Enter to win by leaving a caption (or two) in this post's comments (you have the whole weekend, so get to it!). Continue Reading »


Date: 5/16/2009
We can haz capshun? The Holy Trinity.

Update: The winner has been chosen, and is being notified. Check back tomorrow for the winning entry!

Holy Ascension, Batman! Submit your "capshun" for the picture above in this post's comments, and you'll be entered to win a crisp $20 bill inside a maze! For all the juicy details, please click through. Continue Reading »


Date: 4/11/2009
Easter Capshun Contest - I can haz capshun?

I can haz capshunz?

UPDATE: The winner has been chosen! Continue Reading »

CAPSHUN CONTEST - Jesus and Mary!

Date: 3/4/2009
Mary and Jesus - ur capshun goz here

Update: Winner was announced!

It's that time of the month! Submit your "capshun" for the picture below in this post's comments, and you'll be entered to win this month's prize. For all the juicy details, please click the 'Continue Reading' link under the picture:

Ur capshun... goz above! Continue Reading »


Date: 2/3/2009
Saint Blaise

UPDATE: Comments are closed. The winner has been announced!

It's that time... time to get this show on the road!

So, to kick things off on LOLSaints, we're having our first ever capshun—er... 'caption' contest! Here's how it works:

  1. You provide a creative caption for the above photo (it's Saint Blaise, in case you were wondering) in the comments before 9 p.m. CDT, February 3 (tonight)
  2. I'll pick the winner after the comments are closed.

The winner will be receiving:

iTunes + Thumbs Up + Link

  • A $15 iTunes Gift Card (generously donated by Midwestern Mac, LLC)
  • The respect of the lolsaints community.
  • A link back to his blog/website (if the winner has one)
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