Needz Mor Angels

Date: 10/23/2009
Can haz more cherubs - push Mary into heaven - Assumption

One.. two.. three.. PUSH!

The Assumption of Mary is a dogma of the Catholic Church and is to be believed by all Catholics everywhere. It is one of the more harder doctrines of the Church  since it does not have a certain amount of Biblical data nor any concrete evidence of history. This is especially muddled since there are competing theories on whether the Virgin Mary actually died, and where this occurred, and who was present. As Catholics we take it on Tradition passed down through the centuries that this is true. In 1950 Pope Pius XII used Vatican I's formula to affirm 'ex cathedra' the Tradition of the Assumption of Mary as necessary Catholic teaching.

Hey mate... just wondering where the pictures are.. this post is showing without any image.

Love the site anyway, keep up the good work.

Hmm... we're back again! Sorry about that - was running some updates, but never finished it all.