That Ticklez Stop That!

Date: 1/25/2009
Saint St. Thomas Aquinas - That ticklez stop that

Stop that!

This image represents the Holy Spirit talking to Saint Thomas Aquinas as he writes in the Summa Theologica on the existence of God. Saint Thomas Aquinas spent much time praying to be able to hear the Holy Spirit more clearly. Unfortunately he died before coming to the theological question about tickling.

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God gave us the ability to feel tickles so that we can always win any argument! =P

btw... is there some place online where i can find a print-worthy (i.e. high resolution) version of this icon? St. Thomas Aquinas is my society's patron saint and google images can't seem to deliver any nice shots of him...

I've never seen a high-resolution picture of this icon, but I would like one, too, as St. Thomas is one of my favorite saints!