U Can Slays Dragon?

Date: 10/1/2009
Forget Cheezburgers. I can has princess. Saint George the Dragon-slayer.

Dragon iz hungry.

According to legend, St. George defeated a dragon and saved a princess in "Silene," in Libya, by first making the sign of the cross.  After rescuing the princess, he slew the  dragon in front of the people. The people of the land were said to have converted to Christianity en masse, and the king built a church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary on the site.

Although this legend likely pre-dates Christianity, it does serve as a powerful reminder that Jesus can slay all our dragons, and of the power of the intercession of his Blessed Mother.

Image source:  The Book of Saints and Heroes by Mrs. Lang

More information about St. George and the Dragon

But George sez, "Noes, Mr. draggun! U no can haz gurlz!"