Kilt Poochie!

Date: 2/12/2009

U haz Killed Fido! Saint George

Smackdown time!

Saint George, pictured slaying a dragon above, probably didn't do half the things attributed to his name (like getting killed, then resuscitated by God, then killed again—three times!). However, we do know that he was a martyr who lived near Lydda (in Palestine), and is the patron saint of England.

He's often venerated more in Eastern Churches than in the Catholic Church, but heck, he's one awesome guy! According to legend:

A terrible dragon had ravaged all the country round a city of Libya, called Selena, making its lair in a marshy swamp. Its breath caused pestilence whenever it approached the town, so the people gave the monster two sheep every day to satisfy its hunger, but, when the sheep failed, a human victim was necessary and lots were drawn to determine the victim. On one occasion the lot fell to the king's little daughter. The king offered all his wealth to purchase a substitute, but the people had pledged themselves that no substitutes should be allowed, and so the maiden, dressed as a bride, was led to the marsh. There St. George chanced to ride by, and asked the maiden what she did, but she bade him leave her lest he also might perish. The good knight stayed, however, and, when the dragon appeared, St. George, making the sign of the cross, bravely attacked it and transfixed it with his lance.

Saint George, ora pro nobis!

You know, you're right.  She does seem none to pleased to see Fido chopped.

Maybe she don't like men in skin tight plate armor?

As a suggested alternate LOL...

Fido bite shiny armor guy.



Actually love your site.

Is it just me, or is that dragon a little too...small?

@ antiaphrodite: Well, the dragon shrinks after it dies. It's just one of those things about mythological creatures...

I learn new things everyday.

Who is the author of the picture?

I'm not quite sure who painted it.

OK never mind (maybe an English painter from the 19th century? A "Pre-Raphaelite"?)