I Habakkuket

Date: 4/21/2009

I Habbakuket!

Not so much on the hair!

Habakkuk is a prophet rather than a saint, but we figured he should count. He's pretty happy about showing off his prized possesion to Daniel and the Lions. Kind of gloaty happy. But when you're being airlifted by your hair via angel into a den full of ravenous beasts, you need all the happiness you can get!

Aren't the prophets and patriarchs saints by default? I'm pretty sure they are in the Orthodox tradition, at least - we have icons of the prophet David, for example.

Yes, they are. Ditto for the Byzantine Catholic Church honoring the Patriarchs (like Abraham) and prophets (like Daniel...and John the Baptist:-).
Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Noooo...dey be stealin my Habakkuket...

Sorry, couldn't resist. ;)