St. Catherine SMASH!

Date: 5/12/2009
Saint Catherine SMASH!!!

Time for some shrink-rayz!

Saint Catherine of Sienna, above depicted as someone quite literally 'larger-than-life,' shared many traits common among the holiest of men and women: she was persecuted by her peers (in spite of her holiness and pleasant demeanor), she received the stigmata (but asked for the Lord to not allow it to be physically visible), and she prayed. And prayed. And prayed more!

She is one of the great contemplatives of our Church; she performed many acts of penance (fasting for long periods of time, taking criticism from others, etc.), spent hours in silent contemplative prayer, and had a mystical experience of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory. She was also instrumental in preventing too much trouble from occurring as a result of a rift between Florence and the Papal States.

Let us pray that Saint Catherine, whose spiritual might is only slightly suggested in the picture above, guides us to lofty heights in our own prayer!

Next stop...TOKYO!!1!ONE!!

I just wonder... what is she holding in her right hand? It looks like a sort of maniple, some flowers, and a heart.

 Honey I blew up the Saint!

Honey, I shrunk the supplicants!