Most Popular - All Time

Below is a listing of all the most popular saints and images on this website, from the beginning! If you want to see more, just scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the next button, or on another page number!

Liturgical Transit Fail

Date: 9/17/2009
Cross Country Transit Fail - Crucifix Strapped into Seat

Strapped in, ready to go. Continue Reading »

Everybody Poops

Date: 2/28/2012
hmm.... I wonder if He needs to be changed?

...even Jesus, who was fully human and fully divine! Continue Reading »

Why, Yes, I Do Have a Splitting Headache

Date: 6/28/2011
St. Peter Martyr - Headache Splitting

...or, St. Peter of Verona... Continue Reading »

I've Been Transmogrified!

Date: 2/5/2009

I've been Transmogrified!

I used to be a hooman; now I am not! Continue Reading »

Saintly Lamp

Date: 5/3/2011
This is my lamp... St. Clare of Assisi

It's very pretty, and holy! Continue Reading »

Welcome to LOLSaints!

Date: 1/23/2009

Welcome to our humble abode! The saints are working on tidying things up a bit on the backend. For now, we're resting and praying... actually, St. Thomas and a few of his friends are hanging out at the pub. But that's another story, another day.

We would like to invite you to subscribe to our RSS feed (which is in its infancy, but will grow as time goes on!). If you do, then you'll automagically start receiving new posts as they are posted (sometime in the near future).

You might be wondering: what is this site's purpose? Well, I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. I can't kill you (it's against natural law!), so I won't tell you. Sorry, and hope to see you again soon!

St. Brendan Hosts SNL

Date: 10/22/2010
St. Brendan - I'm on a Boat!

He's on a boat! I wonder if he has his flippy floppies... Continue Reading »

Space Christ!

Date: 2/28/2010
Infant Jesus of the Crab Nebula

Probably chewing Orbit® bubblegum! contrast to the Infant of Prague.